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Meet like-minded friends, build your knowledge base

One-click bookmark your interested learning resources, output review notes, and connect with like-minded life partners.

What is Yohowto

A lifelong learning knowledge sharing community platform and personal knowledge management system for knowledge workers to increase their productivity, expand social circle and broaden horizons. Our vision is to transform the world into a sustainable learning society with a growth mindset.

Import Resources

Save learning resources to your library to build your own knowledge base without using copy paste

Ouput Ideas

Write down what you learn from books, movies, podcasts, YouTube videos painlessly and get feedbacks

Meet Like-minded mates

The system will analyze data based on personal information, and recommend potential knowledge mates to you

Your own learning database

We provide knowledge worker friendly knowledge base builder and note taking tool to integrate learning resources. We make end to end sharing co-learning and reading experence easier to save your time.

Get inspiring new ideas

You can learning new skills from other talent people via books, online courses, conference videos, podcasts notes. Develop state of the art skills to grow your career.

Learning community with passion

Join Co-Learning Community with passion. You can meet other clever knowledge worker like you, develop the habit of lifelong learning and cultivate self-learning abilities.

Build your career

Create your own learning portfolio in minutes to showcase your learning path. You can also build your own brand with professional profile.

Meet like-minded friends, build your knowledge base

One-click bookmark your interested learning resources, output review notes, and connect with like-minded life partners.