#9 企業的化妝師/魔法師 - 廣告媒體
美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your DreamPlay Episode
俗話說“三分人才,七分靠打扮”創業,除了靠本身自己努力不懈外, 如果這時還可以加上強而有力的媒體包裝,我想絕對可以發揮到1+1大於2的功能。如何打造出一個頂尖,被大家注意到的企業,我想如何包裝,在現在這個變化多端的社會變的格外重要!
我們今天很高興邀請到哇靠的執行長也是創始人Kenny Lin來和我們一起談天說地。
In today’s episode, we are very fortunate to have Kenny Lin as our guest. He is
the founder and CEO of the Wacow multimedia, advertising, marketing company, his
company tailors and serves the Asian American consumers / companies to help
bridge the gap between the East and West cultures. Under his leadership and
management, he was able to help a range of major clients from Toyota, States
Farms, McDonald’s, etc., to provide strategic market campaigns to reach a
greater Asian American market and serving their needs. He will discuss the
importance of branding & marketing, and what it can do to scale your business to
a wider audience.
Throughout our talk we will uncover his mentality that helps him transition from
a working employee to become the man of his own company. With an introvert
personality, he was able to defeat all odds with perseverance, self motivation,
having grits, problem solving skills, and figuring out along the way to allow
him to navigate the challenging career as an entrepreneur. Let’s all sit back
and enjoy this great convesation together.
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Email: info@americanvisioncap.com
--------------- GUEST CONTACT ---------------
Website: https://wacowla.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaCowMedia/
Email: info@wacowla.com
Telephone: (626) 383-2894
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